It may take lots of twists and turns, but we managed to maintain a single conversation through an entire game. And it was a very competitive game, as well.
A picture's worth a thousand words. Or, in this case, 579. |
Brett: I think we're in the middle of another baby boom. There seem to be a lot of cute little
tikes running around these days.
Lori: I actually think it's spelled
Brett: Apparently either is acceptable. Weird, I know. I've spent many
morns wondering how some spellings and alternate definitions have made it into the dictionary.
Lori: English is a weird language. That's what the crazy homeless guy near my work tells me... He also asks for a no
foam latte... So...
Brett: That crazy homeless guy could be Jesus. You should get him that latte. Or at least take him to the
Lori: Point taken. I'll
dash though the
Starbucks line before work tomorrow.
Brett: That would be a good way to start the
Lori: He may be the
envy of every caffeine deprived dude on the block.
Brett: No doubt. They'll probably get into a fight over it, and before you know it the latte will be
gone because someone spilled it. Maybe you shouldn't get him one.
Lori: Too late... I've already
coped with this potential outcome though. I can only wish for the best at this point.
Brett: I hope a fight doesn't ensue. You wouldn't want some guy to have an
ache because you bought a latte.
Lori: I could almost
faint due to anxiety over this...
Brett: Maybe you should make sure the cops are there to
quash any violence.
Lori: I feel like if I continue to be involved at this point, I'll be putting a big
dent in the good deed I was trying to offer.
Brett: True. Oh, no... I just had a thought. What if a busker with a
sax gets involved? That would make a pretty dangerous weapon.
Lori: No!! Just imagine... "
Hi, can you take me to the
E.R. please? The man with the sax beat the bejesus out of me when my latte raised his
ire too much." Terrible.
Brett: Well, I'm glad you've planned what you would say in that situation. Because I doubt you'd be able to
hobble to the hospital on your own.
Lori: It's the sort of
riddle I'd rather be prepared for.
Brett: Maybe if we
pool our money we can get enough lattes so everyone will be happy.
Lori: I would love that. I would never want to be remembered as a latte dream
Brett: I, too, would prefer not to be known as someone who
burst latte-dream bubbles.
Lori: Let me just
jot down some numbers here for the latte fund...
Brett: I'm glad you're taking care of that. The price of lattes is an
enigma to me.
Ho boy... This is really starting to add up!!
Brett: Hmm... We could steal the lattes, but I don't really want to spend the rest of my life trying to
elude the cops.
Darn! What have we gotten ourselves into here??
Brett: Maybe we need a cheaper way to make everyone happy. What if we got a
lei for each person? People in Hawai'i always seem happy.
Lori: Ooh, I like that idea. But unless I can catch a
wave to the islands, I'm picking up the leis at the dollar store.
Brett: Yeah, a trip to Hawai'i would put a bigger dent in
our budgets than the lattes would.
Lori: That's your way of saying you
were okay with the dollar store leis, right?
Brett: Correct. I don't want to get
rid of all my money purchasing a flight; then I couldn't afford the leis!
Lori: Understood. Wouldn't want your finances off the
Brett: Sounds like we have a plan. Let's put
it into action.