meta conversation, where the words we play in
Words With Friends lead us to talk about Words With Friends, and even about the
Words With Cousins blog.
Brett: Do you feel
zees being
scored at ten points is appropriate?
Lori: Hmm. Yes. They're hard to use well. That is, unless you have an affinity for white
Brett: Surely you
kid. Who d
oesn't have an affinity for white zin?
Lori: Haha, touché. You're probably right about that.
Brett: Anyway, back to my original point, I feel like it's much harder to use a Q than a Z, but when it comes to the difference in points, there is
Lori: I see your point. You could complain to the creators of
Scrabble, but I don't think you'd get very far. The forces that be might
mute the complaint before it gets to them.
Brett: Well, they can
rot in... I'd better not say
it, WWC is a family blog.
Lori: Let loose!! We might gain a
whit of publicity!
Brett: That would be taking the blog in a new direction, though. I think we need to get together and have a
yea or nay vote before making such a drastic change.