Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme...

Brett ready to ride the bobsled

Brett: The Winter Olympics are coming up... Have I ever told you how much I love Cool Runnings?  I can basically quote the whole movie.  One of my favorite lines is when Sanka finds out that bobsled is a winter sport.  "You mean winter as in igloos and Eskimos and penguins and ice?"

Lori: How long is the bobsled track, do you know?  Is it more or less than a mile?

Brett: I don't know exactly, but I'm going to guess less.  Did you know I was in a bobsled once?  It was summer, so it was on wheels instead of on ice.  And we didn't get to do the push start, we just had to sit inside while they pushed us.  But it got going pretty fast when we picked up speed, and was a lot of fun!

Lori: I'd say, "poor you"... But what a cool experience!!!  How did you manage that?

Brett: Well, it wasn't that I got any sort of special treatment, I fear.  I paid for the chance to ride the boblsed just like anyone else.

Lori: That's okay.  It's still the bees knees.

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