Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Gone fishin'... again

Worm on hook by flickr user jackie_oh

Lori: Do you ever go fishing and use live bait?

Brett: I usually use lures, but I've been known to fish with a worm.  Which do you think is better for your qi?

Lori: Probably the lures, but which helps you catch more fish?

Brett: Well, that's the important question...

Lori: We can poll the zoos and see what the experts say.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Heimlich Maneuver

Head Lice - Nits on Hair by flickr user myheadlicetreatment.com

Brett: Did you ever have lice as a kid?

Lori: No, I didn't.  Did you ever choke on any chicken bones?

Brett: Not that I recall.  If I ever do, will you tap me on the back to knock the bones loose?

Lori: Of course.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Gone fishin'

fishing rod by flickr user Jens Bouma' Photos

Brett: If you were going fishing, and you could take a rod or a reel, but not both, which would you choose?

Lori: The rod, I suppose.  Alas, I am a terrible fisher.....

Brett: Don't say you're bad at catching fish.  Say you love all creatures so much that you can't imagine pulling them out of their homes.  That's the diva-like think to do.

Lori: That's definitely the best alternative I've heard all year.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hugs and Kisses

Hugs and Kisses by flickr user D90Deb

Brett: Have you ever signed a note with "hugs and kisses"?

Lori: If you're referring to xs and os, I have.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Shall we dance?

Lasers in a dance club by flickr user gabriel.jorby

Brett: Your mission for this weekend, should you choose to accept it:  go to a club, find the most shabbily dressed guy there, and very formally say to him "pardon me for intruding, sir, but shall we dance?"

Lori: I don't know.  What if I get too shy?

Brett: Put on one of your wigs and pretend to be someone who's not shy.

Lori: Easy as that, huh?

Brett: Yep.  Unless he's an ogre, in which case there's a good reason not to want to talk to him.

Lori: Alright.  I'll check out clubs near my apartment and give it a go.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

What is art? Are we art? Is art art?

Paint Palette by flickr user camillestyles

Lori: Do you know any professional artists?  You know, sculptor, painter, etc.?

Brett: Well, let me axe you a question... Does a Subway sandwich artist count?

Lori: No.

Brett: Well, then... I know a photographer who sells her photos, but she doesn't make a living doing it.  Unless that bends the definition of professional too much.

Lori: I think that counts.  Not gonna weed through the definitions of professional or anything.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I scream, you scream...

Third kit unveiling by flickr user dcunited

Brett: People are always lined up around the block on Ben & Jerry's free cone day.

Lori: I could never be bored in that line.  B&J has a store front??!!? Yum.

Brett: There's one across the street from my office.  I'd offer to bring you some, but it might melt before I got to Chicago.

Lori: Now I definitely need to come visit you.  Which is better, spring or fall?

Brett: Spring has the Cherry Blossom Festival, but you practically need a herd of oxen to plow through all the tourists.

Lori: Fall it is, then.  I'll have to get a souvenir or toy for Randy while I'm there.

Brett: Maybe a soccer kit from DC United?

Lori: Maybe.  Are they expensive?  I wouldn't want to come off as stingy.

Brett: Well, I'm pretty sure they cost more than a ping pong ball.

Lori: You think ping pong is any good for your qi?

Brett: I feel like it would take a whole ream of paper to write a convincing argument for that.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Saved by the Bell

"Time out"

Brett: Have you ever worn a wig?

Lori: Sure have.  At one time I owned three or four different ones for Halloween... or random improv.  Have you?

Brett: Yep.  I once dressed up as Zack Morris for Halloween, complete with blonde wig.  I was worried that I'd run into someone dressed as AC Slater and he'd punch me in the mouth.

Lori: Haha, did you carry around a faked hall pass, just in case?

Brett: Man, I should have had a fake hall pass.  I did do a lot of loud talking into my huge cell phone, though.

Lori: Did you at least bend the laws of science and freeze time so you could talk to the camera?

Brett: Of course!  Only a dunce wouldn't do that.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Can you spare a dime?

Bar Tab by flickr user Heraldk

Lori: Do you ever let your bar tab get out of control?

Brett: That would be bad for my qi.