Thursday, November 29, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

ugly sweater by flickr user n.zastrow

Brett: Are you one of those people who clads themselves in holiday-themed clothing this time of year?

Lori: Nope.  I'm a bit of a real humbug.  I refuse to acknowledge Christmas until December, and I only listen to Christmas music on Christmas Day or when shopping in retail stores and I have no choice.  I like to save up my excitement for the event, not the three months surrounding it.

Brett: My jaw is agape.  I'm speechless.  No "Baby, It's Cold Outside"?  No "Let it Snow"?  No "All I Want for Christmas is You"?

Lori: I like all those song, but I only feel like listening to them on Christmas.  A tuba player I knew in high school used to sing "Baby, It's Cold Outside" with me.  I guess if there's a sing-along, I'm more prone to celebrate.

Brett: Well, I agree that stores start putting Christmas stuff out too early, and I do refuse to do anything Christmassy until after Thanksgiving, but then I listen to Christmas music nonstop.  I feel like each song connects another dot leading to Christmas Day.

Lori: That's a nice way to look at it.  This year I'll try to bite my tongue and just enjoy it.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Now listen to our story...

Expensive Gas by flick user timmothy

Lori: One year for Christmas I bough my mom a ruby necklace.  I don't think she liked it.

Brett: Aww... it's the thought that counts, and I'm sure she couldn't have appreciated it more even if you had gotten crown jewels from a duke.

Lori: Ooh, that could be cool.  How can I hire one of those?

Brett: They're pretty expensive.  You'd probably have to discover oil to afford it.

Lori: Oil?  Next, you'll be suggesting we move to Beverly.  Hills, that it.

Brett: I bet we would fit right in.

Lori: Oh, I'm sure of it.  Except I hear gas is really expensive there.

Brett: Gas is expensive everywhere, you dolt.

Lori: Yeesh!  Didn't mean to grind your gears there!!

Brett: Sorry.  I may have overreacted.

Lori: I understand.  We'd have to pool our resources either way.

Brett: At what point in our lives do you think we'll be able to afford it?

Lori: I'm guessing about retirement age.  We will definitely be over the big hill.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The internet isn't the only series of tubes

Brett: Do you have a favorite ovary?

Lori: Hmm.  I'm right handed, so maybe my left one?  Favorites can change, though, the longer you live.

Brett: Do you think the right one would get jealous if the left one achieved great fame?

Lori: I imagine as long as the left shared the haul of perks, the right could learn to just be happy for it.

Brett: The left one would have to share.  As I understand it, they're connected by tubes.

Lori: I gape at your knowledge of this.

Brett: I chew up all kinds of knowledge.  (But I spit out the rind.)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just the fax, ma'am

elbow taps with EC by flickr user Jason Van Horn

Brett: I wish I had stuck with piano lessons as a kid.  As it is, I can only plink away.

Lori: Me too!  I can play three songs, two start to finish.  I consider it a quirk.

Brett: Speaking of quirky things, I love your 'new' table.  Next time I see you, I'll give you an elbow tap to celebrate.  (But I should warn you, by elbows are bony.)

Lori: Fantastic!  I hear elbow taps are the new hip thing.

Brett: Elbow taps are awesome.  Have I ever told you about how I invinted the elbow tap?  If not, I'll dial you up and share the story.

Lori: No, I'd love to hear it!!  Give me a few hours, though... I have errands to run.

Brett: It's a pretty intense story.  You might want to go to the doctor first and make sure your aortic valve can handle it.

Lori: Are we talking the kind of intense where I might forget how to swallow and drool in my own lap?

Brett: Oh, it's that intense.  It will make you forget what comes between the a's and the zees.

Lori: Hmm... Lets hold off then.  I don't want to be reduced to communicationg via fax machine for the rest of my life?

Brett: Good call.  That would make me sad.

Lori: Yeah.  I'd be a dud.

Brett: You'd basically be throwing your life in the trash bin.

Lori: I'll check out a mag or two to see if there's an alternative to the elbow story.

Brett: How much do you think a magazine would pay me for the rights to publish the elbow tap story?

Lori: I don't want to hurt your feeling here... but if it is that intense, they probably will pass on the story.

Brett: But it would sell lost of copies because it would tug at people's attention!

Lori: And you could jot down an autograph or two...

Brett: There are many people who would want my autograph after reading that story.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Algae eaters solve many problems

Vintage Wedding Cake Toppers by flickr user Ticklefeathers

Brett: What is the best number of wives to have, do you think?

Lori: Wow.  Might I suggest just one for starters?  See how that goes for you.

Brett: Just one?  I plan on having a lot of fish tanks; who will clean all the algae?

Lori: Just buy some of the fishes that make a meal out of it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Trough Luck

Trough Luck by flickr user Joe Shlabotnik

Brett: It must be nice to be a girl.  You never have to worry about public restrooms that have troughs instead of urinals.

Lori: EW!  I hope it never comes to that in a ladies room.

Brett: Just a warning: if it does, I'll most assuredly tease you about it.

Lori: This does not surprise me.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Would you buy our book?

The Ambiguously Gay Duo by flickr user Vim Trivium

Brett: Do you remember those SNL cartoons about the Ambiguously Gay Duo?

Lori: Was that SNL?  I'm pretty sure they did something with their fists.  Fight, I assume.

Brett: I believe we owe Stephen Colbert and Steve Carrell for that skit.  But I could be wrong, it's been an eon since I heard that factoid.

Lori: Really?  They're hilarious.  Not gruff at all.

Brett: I could be wrong.  It's not like I know every fact from a to zee.

Lori: Me either.  For example, I just learned that lath is another word used to describe lattice work.

Brett: You should put that nugget of knowledge on ice and save it for a rainy day.

Lori: Knowledge is good for my qi.

Brett: Based on our other conversations, we could fill a tome with what is good (or possibly bad) for our qi.

Lori: It's just for grins and giggles... it's a hard word to use!

Brett: Right.  But maybe we should write that book.  It might vie with some of the other stuff available in the self-help section.

Lori: What if the publishers pass on us?

Brett: Eh, at least we'll have had fun writing it.

Lori: If we put a picture of ivy on the spine of the book, maybe they'll take us more seriously.

Brett: If you're suggesting people might judge a book by its cover...

Lori: Er.....

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Penny for your thoughts

SMQ_6713 by flickr user SimonQ錫濛譙

Brett: Do you think dyslexic people wear a blet to keep their pants up?

Lori: That was both hysterical and awesome.

Brett: I did the best I could with a word I didn't know (and couldn't quickly find a definition for).  It's not like I had some easy-to-use word like 'kitty.'

Lori: I was just thinking that!  Brain jinx!

Brett: I wonder if it was brain jinxes that, evolutionarily, gave rise to the bones in your head.  If so, I don't think it worked, because the skull doesn't really protect you from brain jinxes.

Lori: That didn't make much sense.  Do I owe you cash for that thought?

Brett: Just a penny.  At least according to the contract we signed when we were young.  Unless the fact that I couldn't write my name and signed with an ex makes it invalid.

Lori: A ton of lawsuits have been won by folks who signed with an ex, so I'll give you a penny next time I see you.

Brett: The thoughts of what I'll be able to buy with that penny are making me drool.

Lori: Hate to break it to ya, but I don't think you'll be able to buy much.

Brett: Well, poo.

Lori: Oh my God, your reaction was hilarious.

Brett: Well, I would have used harsher words, but I was afraid some little kid would open up the WWC web page and be scarred for life.

Lori: Ah.  Alas, t'would be a grievous err.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ah, consumerism

Mini Microwave. by flickr user Juppppy

Brett: I owe a lot to the inventor of the microwave.  It's nice to be able to zap something quickly when you get home from work and you're hungry.

Lori: Do they make toy microwaves for kids?

Brett: With the variety of toys these days, it would shock me if they didn't.