Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just the fax, ma'am

elbow taps with EC by flickr user Jason Van Horn

Brett: I wish I had stuck with piano lessons as a kid.  As it is, I can only plink away.

Lori: Me too!  I can play three songs, two start to finish.  I consider it a quirk.

Brett: Speaking of quirky things, I love your 'new' table.  Next time I see you, I'll give you an elbow tap to celebrate.  (But I should warn you, by elbows are bony.)

Lori: Fantastic!  I hear elbow taps are the new hip thing.

Brett: Elbow taps are awesome.  Have I ever told you about how I invinted the elbow tap?  If not, I'll dial you up and share the story.

Lori: No, I'd love to hear it!!  Give me a few hours, though... I have errands to run.

Brett: It's a pretty intense story.  You might want to go to the doctor first and make sure your aortic valve can handle it.

Lori: Are we talking the kind of intense where I might forget how to swallow and drool in my own lap?

Brett: Oh, it's that intense.  It will make you forget what comes between the a's and the zees.

Lori: Hmm... Lets hold off then.  I don't want to be reduced to communicationg via fax machine for the rest of my life?

Brett: Good call.  That would make me sad.

Lori: Yeah.  I'd be a dud.

Brett: You'd basically be throwing your life in the trash bin.

Lori: I'll check out a mag or two to see if there's an alternative to the elbow story.

Brett: How much do you think a magazine would pay me for the rights to publish the elbow tap story?

Lori: I don't want to hurt your feeling here... but if it is that intense, they probably will pass on the story.

Brett: But it would sell lost of copies because it would tug at people's attention!

Lori: And you could jot down an autograph or two...

Brett: There are many people who would want my autograph after reading that story.

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