Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Penny for your thoughts

SMQ_6713 by flickr user SimonQ錫濛譙

Brett: Do you think dyslexic people wear a blet to keep their pants up?

Lori: That was both hysterical and awesome.

Brett: I did the best I could with a word I didn't know (and couldn't quickly find a definition for).  It's not like I had some easy-to-use word like 'kitty.'

Lori: I was just thinking that!  Brain jinx!

Brett: I wonder if it was brain jinxes that, evolutionarily, gave rise to the bones in your head.  If so, I don't think it worked, because the skull doesn't really protect you from brain jinxes.

Lori: That didn't make much sense.  Do I owe you cash for that thought?

Brett: Just a penny.  At least according to the contract we signed when we were young.  Unless the fact that I couldn't write my name and signed with an ex makes it invalid.

Lori: A ton of lawsuits have been won by folks who signed with an ex, so I'll give you a penny next time I see you.

Brett: The thoughts of what I'll be able to buy with that penny are making me drool.

Lori: Hate to break it to ya, but I don't think you'll be able to buy much.

Brett: Well, poo.

Lori: Oh my God, your reaction was hilarious.

Brett: Well, I would have used harsher words, but I was afraid some little kid would open up the WWC web page and be scarred for life.

Lori: Ah.  Alas, t'would be a grievous err.

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