Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The one where we opine on music and alcoholic beverages

Dry Gin by flickr user MrStonehouse

Brett: Don't Worry, Be Happy: great song, or greatest song?

Lori: Just great.  Seems like we could really be done after the first chorus.

Brett: Then what's the greatest?  What song moves you the most?

Lori: That's easy.  Man in the Mirror.

Brett: I would have tried to peg a Rush song for you.

Lori: Aw, I am a bit of a walking ad for Rush... but I have loved that song since I was super little.  My dad had the record.

Brett: I wasn't saying it was a bad thing that you didn't name a Rush song.  I was merely wondering.

Lori: I never assumed you would mock the King of Pop. :)

Brett: So now I know your favorite song, but what if I took a poll of everyone in America?  What would win?

Lori: Good question.  It would be such a pain to tally those votes!

Brett: Greatest song is a tough question.  But I nominate Send In the Clowns as the best song that starts with the lyrics "Isn't it rich..."

Lori: Ooh, that song has definite grit.

Brett: On the other hand, if you need to get pumped up, nothing beats listening to Eye of the Tiger while drinking a cup of joe.

Lori: I bet the scout who signed that group is regularly drining joe in victory.

Brett: I do agree that the scout must often celebrate, but probably with something a little harder.  Like maybe some dry gin?

Lori: What is your favorite trait in an alcoholic drink?

Brett: I'm not too picky.  As long as it doesn't knock me out with one drink.

Lori: I suppose that's a good way to look at it.

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