Thursday, May 3, 2012

Time for trivia

Our first bearded president  (image from Wikipedia)

Lori: Ever have something rot in your fridge because you forgot about it?

Brett: Eh, not really.  About once a week I open the refrigerator door and say "Hi!  Anybody starting to go bad?"  That way I don't forget about them.

Lori: Nice!  I think I heard once that lox can live for weeks in a fridge, but I don't know if that's true or not.

Brett: Boy, that would be something.  I wouldn't have guessed more than a day or two.

Lori: Yeah, those random facts really throw you for a loop sometimes.

Brett: They're fun, though.  I feel like there should be a quota of random facts disseminated each day.  Here's mine: every bearded US President has been a Republican.

Lori: Son of a fig... Is that true?  I love beards so much.  I can't say that I feel the same way regarding Republicans.

Brett: Have I ever lied to you?  (Other than maybe about Emeril being a quin.)  You should write a letter to Obama and tell him how much you'd fawn over him if he grew a beard.

Lori: Like he'd give an ef, I just don't think he'd care.  He's super clean cut.

Brett: It doesn't hurt to try.  Tell him it would give him a rugged look, and that he needs to be a gar, not a minnow, if he wants to get reelected.

Lori: I am un-likely to do that.

Brett: Fine.  But we both know who to blame if we don't see a bearded Democratic President in our lifetimes.

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