Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Real cousins support their cousins' entrepreneurship

Coffee Mug by flickr user bram_app

Brett: <played the word laden>

Lori: I do still try (in vain) to beat you at this game.  Alas, you must be laden with a game playing genius that cannot be beat.

Brett: I feel like such a hag for forgetting to use laden.  Thanks for picking up the slack for me.

Lori: In the end, I figure as long as one of us uses the word... we should be cool.

Brett: That seems fair.  We each get a chance to mend the other's mistakes.  That's what cousins are for, right?

Lori: Ah, Yeah!  Real cousins... help... got the... hmm.  I can't think of a slogan for us.  Like... Friends don't let friends drive drunk... but with cousins.

Brett: "Real cousins will always serve as your second if you find yourself in a duel"?

Lori: That seems a bit dramatic, though if you lost in a duel I'd probably scream really loud and start fighting.

Brett: I mean, if it's too intense, there are other options.  Like "a real cousin hails a cab for you when you're stuck in the rain."

Lori: Or even, "a real cousin brings you chow when you're stuck at work and hungry."

Brett: Either one would work.

Lori: You got it, dude.

Brett: If we made coffee mugs with the motto on them, do you think anyone would buy them?

Lori: There's no way you could get rich on this idea.  But we have a lot of cousins... we may be able to pressure them into buying enough to break even.

Brett: Yeah, if we could talk all our cousins into buying his and hers sets, we'd be off to a good start.

Lori: Ooh, good idea!  Wouldn't that be a joy?

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