Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Magician by flickr user Saverio Truglia

Brett: Wanna see a magic trick?  Pick any letter between a and zee.

Lori: Hmm.  I'm a little slow at these.  El?

Brett: Okay, now think of an animal that begins with el.....  Were you thinking of a lemur?  Don't lie to me.

Lori: Actually, I was thinking llama.

Brett: Well, I didn't say it was a very good trick.  (I hope they don't have jails for bad magicians.)

Lori: I think the only magicians who find trouble are the ones who bare their magical secrets.  It's a shady community after all.

Brett: You're right, it is shady.  Maybe I should wash myself clean of all association with magicians before I get caught in a witch hunt.

Lori: Hmm.  A little more extreme than I meant to make it... just approach your tricks with caution?

Brett: Maybe I should get an assistant that waits on me and can take all the blame if anything goes wrong.

Lori: Get one named Bob.  That's a good name for an assistant.

Brett: I'll stop by the employment agency on the way home from my pa's house.

Lori: I'm so happy to have been a part of this process.

Brett: I just hope I don't over inflate your ego.

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